For those of you who didn't know, Radiohead, the greatest rock band (if you can even classify them) of the last 20 years just released their newest album via digital download from their website, yesterday. It will be available in stores and in all major digital retailers on March 29, but who can wait that long? Tons of music critics have of course, praised it to no end, and I thought I would throw my hat into the ring. Having listened to it only 4 times so far, this is very subject to change, especially with a band like Radiohead, who bring so much more the more you listen to it.
Put crudely, this is their most beautiful and happy record. It isn't Kid A. It isn't OK Computer. But we never expected it to be. Influenced a lot by the folk music of Bon Iver and Fleet Foxes, as well as the dubstep of Burial and the new James Blake, this record is one of the most unique listening experiences I've ever had.
Stars out with "Bloom", which is blatantly off beat, frantic, and somehow still atmospheric with a breathtaking vocal by Thom. Very inviting first track.
"Morning Mr. Magpie" is probably the most in your face this album ever gets, but this album as a whole, is much much less like that than any other Radiohead release. Almost Bodysnatchers meets Idioteque, but with a gorgeous "chorus" thrown in.
"Little By Little" is very Jazz influenced, with African rhythms and Dubstep thrown in there. It also has some of the strangest Radiohead lyrics, that wouldn't be strange for anybody else, like "I'm such a tease, and your such a flirt".
"Feral" An Instrumental with Jazz and African influences.
"Lotus Flower" This is honestly one of the catchiest songs ever, let alone from Radiohead. This song, ladies and gentlemen, is simply why we all love Radiohead, and can't ever get enough of them. This is the song they decided to release as a single, and not a better choice on the album for that.
"Codex" Take Motion Picture Soundtrack, Videotape, and Pyramid Song and think of anyway you could possibly improve those songs. Can't come up with anything? Well, Radiohead did. This is the most beautiful ballad they've ever made. With gorgeous lyrics, melody, and harmonic progression, this is the best anybody could have possibly expected from them, and so much more.
"Give Up the Ghost" A song constructed of vocal loops from Thom that build up to some of the most beautiful harmonies I've ever heard. This is where Fleet Foxes and Nick Drake are heard a ton. This is the folkiest Radiohead has ever gotten, so this puts it up there with "A Wolf at the Door" as one of the most unique, yet incredible, Radiohead songs ever.
"Separator" The last track, and the most laid back ending track to any Radiohead album. Gorgeous though. This does an excellent job of bringing everything together, and simply saying "goodbye", even though after this you definitely don't want it to end.
The last 4 tracks are honestly some of the greatest Radiohead songs ever, easily
The first 4 tracks are some of the most forward thinking, different, and avant garde.
But hey, welcome to Radiohead. Never fail to push the bar further, even two decades into their career. Meet the greatest band since The Beatles.
King of Limbs - 9.5/10
(guide: Pablo Honey - 5.0/10 The Bends - 10/10 OK Computer - 10/10 Kid A - 10/10 Amnesiac 9.0/10 Hail to the Thief -8.5/10 In Rainbows- 9.5/10)