Friday, October 11, 2019

Top Albums of the Decade (2010-2019)

Here it is folks, the official Passing Faces best albums of the decade list. And when I say "Passing Faces", I mean this is actually just entirely Kason and not the rest of the band.

10. Turn Out the Lights - Julien Baker
9. U.F.O.F - Big Thief
8. Halcyon Digest - Deerhunter
7. This is Happening - LCD Soundsystem
6. Bon Iver, Bon Iver - Bon Iver
5. To Pimp a Butterfly - Kendrick Lamar
4. Modern Vampires of the City - Vampire Weekend
3. EMOTION - Carly Rae Jepsen
2. Art Angels - Grimes
1. Carrie & Lowell - Sufjan Stevens

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