Tuesday, July 6, 2010

You Must've Known I'd Post This.. Before I Did.... da da da da, da da da da, da da da da, da da da da,

So I basically can't decide if this video is creepy, hilarious, or freaking epic. Or all three. It could also be a soviet trick to brainwash us all.. :)
So this is a russian singer in the 70's that ROCKS at lip syncing, Let me tell you :)
And you'd never guess that the song title is actually "I Am Glad, Because I'm Finally Returning Back Home"
Unless you did guess that.
In which case, you are hereby accepted into NAFMAP (National Association for Mind Readers and Psychics)
But you already knew that, didn't you?

1 comment:

Al said...

well, that was weird. why would you even bother doing that? the only thing you could take away from that is the claim that your "cheeks hurt." do you spend all your time looking up things like that?
again, weird. funny... but... well... sigh. im bored. maybe ill look up yodeling lessons -alex